Vedic Astrology


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Here's to Your Good Health with Astrology

Who doesnt want to be healthy? Ive been fascinated with health ever since I can remember. My grandmothers best friend was bedridden with rheumatoid arthritis since she was in her early thirties. My own mother had chronic mental and physical illnesses (some would call it hypochondria). Seeing these people suffer set me on my path as a healer.

In my family, it was not an easy thing to be interested in good health. Believe it or not, being interested in health opened me to ridicule. Adele Davis, a pioneer in the health food community, was just beginning to write books like, Lets Eat Right to Keep Fit. My father called her a health food nut and downed another piece of rare roast beef, two martinis, French fries and a Caesar salad, chased with a chain of PallMalls

My grandparents lived past 95 in excellent health. My parents died at 58 and 60. They cut more than 35 years off those wonderful genes with their lifestyle.

These are the principles I advocate for a lifetime of good health.

1.Its your health.
2.Your physical health and your mental health are the same thing.
3.Be yourself.

Let me explain each one with some examples.

#1 Its your health.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is your health. Its not the doctors health or the governments health. Its your health and its your responsibility to keep yourself healthy.

The Greeks had a wonderful saying about this, After 30, every man is his own doctor.

If, by the time youre 30, you dont understand your own body and what makes it work, there is no power on earth that can save you from yourself.

If there are some things that run in your family youd like to change, learn about DNA reprogramming and healing with The Sunhealer at

Jesus is one of many great healers through the ages. The first question Jesus asked a sick person was, Do you want to be healed? Ask yourself this question. Listen to your answer.

Food is preventive medicine or slow poison. Please learn about your own body; take the time to educate yourself about nutrition; and avoid white sugar and white flour as if your life depended on it.

Know your stress points. When youre under stress, whats the first thing in your body to go? Is it your stomach, headaches, your back? From now on, this will be your flagship. Your body knows before you do, its time to make a change.

#2 Your physical health and your mental health are the same thing.

This principle is nifty for self healing because you can come at a problem either through the mind or through the body.

If youre feeling depressed, you can take Yoga and by putting your body into positions of self confidence and life force energy, your spirits will lift.

If your stomach is tied up in knots all the time and you have chronic anxiety, you can raise in your consciousness the idea of self acceptance and the concept that you are safe and wanted in the world and these symptoms will disappear.

You can make changes in the physical world, such as leaving an abusive spouse and your mental and physical health will improve.

The easiest and fundamental connection between the mind (mental health) and body (physical health) is the breath. When we breath consciously, no negative emotion can be present. Simple but profound, this is one of the great secrets of meditation.

#3 Be yourself.

Trying to be something youre not is life-threatening. Most people will interpret the statement trying to be something youre not negatively. What we mean is, trying to be a different type of person than you naturally are.

Type is defined according to the popular concepts of typing personality that we find in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator(r) or in Keirsey Temperament Theory. If you wonder what your type is, visit for a free self test.

Here are some examples from real life.

If you love solitude and the great outdoors, dont get yourself stationed on a submarine.

If you love confrontation, competition and running the show dont be a teacher or case worker.

If you love children, soft moments, nurturing and intimacy dont try being a litigation attorney.

Why do we try to be something we arent? It happens in a context of trying to please others parents, teachers, religious leaders, spouses.

According to Dr. Katherine Benziger ( the short term cost of trying to be something youre not is increased irritability, headaches and difficulty in mastering a new task.

The long term results include exhaustion, depression, lack of joy, a homeostatic imbalance involving oxygen or the pre-mature aging of the brain and a vulnerability to illness.

I have clients with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, insomnia, cancer, tumors, esophagitis, migraines, bleeding ulcers, chronic diarrhea, obesity, manic-depressive disorders, deep scarring acne, strokes, apnia, and drinking problems who still will not consider making a lifestyle change.

Could these people be healed? Yes, certainly. When they begin to shift over into who they really are, the symptoms will disappear, sometimes dramatically.

If this solution is too simple, please ask yourself why things have to be so complicated in your life.

My special message today is for introverts. Our definition of ourselves has been controlled for the most part by people who dont understand us because the majority of people in the world, 70%, are extroverts.

Were in the process of reclaiming our right to be exactly the way we are. Introverts need to spend at least half their time alone for good mental health. This has nothing to do with our love of people. We give energy to others and need time alone to fill up again.

Introverts, please be honest about your needs for time alone and other territorial issues. You can find some great resources for introverts at my website .

For all people wanting to cut down on their stress, one of the greatest services I can render is an astrology reading. Astrology is one of the few places you can go in the world where you will find someone holding up a clear mirror to who you really are.

Astrology is a paradigm that gives each person permission to be exactly who they are. We get as close as we can to the gods eye view of you. Astrologers recognize the absolute uniqueness of each individual.

When you see an astrologer, we will say to you, Let me tell you about the wonderful person I see here in your astrology chart. We are positive and supportive people.

If you have drifted so far from yourself, you cant find your way back home, give an astrologer a call. We have the map.

All change starts within. I hope Ive given you some great things to think about on your road to good health. Please remember these three principles

#1 It is your health.
#2 Your physical health and your mental health are the same thing.
#3 Be yourself.

Nancy R. Fenn is a professional astrologer in the San Diego area.

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Thursday, April 2, 2009

What's Astrology Good For ?

Word Count: 326 words Category: Astrology

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What's Astrology Good For ?

You usually find it on the comics page. Most people who read it make jokes about it; some, under their breath, comment on how spooky it is...

This is not astrology. Consider:

If someone wrote a column that broke all of us down into 12 "types" then proceeded to tell us what diseases we had, would you call that Medicine?

I've been an astrologer for over 36 years and I have a couple of things to say about what it's worth.

First, it is worth studying for the Meaning it can add to our lives. Care must be taken here, though. Any astrologer that says it can predict your future is Dead Wrong.

Second, it's good for broadening our understanding of just how many factors go to make up a complete person. We All Have All Twelve Signs In Our Natures! No one is lacking any of them. In a complete chart they are all there. True, most people have 4 or 5 more emphasized but we all have all twelve.

A good place to get your whole chart for free (plus a free interpretation) is:

Third, astrology is supreme at helping us track Cycles in our lives. It's very good at answering questions like: Have these circumstances happened before? How can I face them this time with more of my true self? What in my past has a bearing on what's happening now? How can I take what I have now and use it in the best way in the future?

So, more meaning, a broader understanding, and cyclic awareness. Not bad for something that can't even predict the future, eh?

You can read much more about it in my new book. Go to my blog and check it out:

Alexander M Zoltai is a poet, blogger, and astrologer.

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